PHOENIX RISING CERAMICS is a visionary and innovative company truly unique in the world of ceramics. For the past twenty + years of ongoing breakthroughs in R&D, we’ve honed our revolutionary processes capable of producing unparalleled (Jasperware) porcelain castings of remarkable nano-detail, with significant reductions in labor, time, and cost. Our unique and novel processes work across the full spectrum of ceramic applications from decorative to functional, and even producing objects for the highly lucrative field of Advanced Technical Ceramics. PHOENIX RISING CERAMICS’ mission is to create extraordinary objects that will have a stunning, and immediately recognizable look to each and every one that is entirely different from the current porcelains objects typical sold in the world marketplace. Our keywords are and will remain CHARM, GRACE, and TIMELESS SOPHISTICATED ELEGANCE.

As Principal and inventor of PHOENIX RISING CERAMICS, I believe my revolutionary FASTCAST SYSTEM may well prove to be the biggest breakthrough of my various invented technologies and will have a massive impact on the COLLECTIBLES figurine market.

George F. Engel

Brief Bio: George F. Engel

Hands have played a major role in my life. My father was a master silversmith restoring historic silver tableware. As a child, I was always amazed watching him bring back a damaged piece to its original state. We were always building and making things. Hands set my stage.

My beginnings was as a fine art sculptor (Pratt Institute graduate ‘75). In the late ‘70s, The MET in New York City had a major traveling exhibition of terracotta sculptures from around the world. I was simply agog by the wonderful sculptures I saw from 18th century France especially those by the great sculptors Clodion and Houdon. I was so taken by that show I was determined to cast my own sculptures in terracotta but plaster molds were simply unacceptable due to their lack of detail. So I did simple clay press-outs in rubber molds. It was a problematic method but it worked. In time, I developed my technologies making real production possible using porcelain and terracotta.

For over thirty years, I was Head Mold Maker and sculptor in the Hollywood FX film shops. This unique position cultivated in me an unparalleled skill set with regards to molding & casting issues and finding my unique ‘Alice In Wonderland’ solutions. ‘Thinking outside the box’ never went nearly far enough for me. My background and innate problem-solving abilities were critical to be able to develop the processes, technologies and methods for my breakthrough Intellectual Property to come to fruition for the enrichment and delight of all.

{ { { WALT DISNEY AND ME } } } Almost!

In August of 1964 I was 10 years old. My family and I took an amazing cross-country trip (thanks to the newly and mostly constructed Interstate Highway System). BIG on my list was DISNEYLAND! I used to constantly draw all of Disney characters and fantasized working for “Mr. Disney” one day. When we got to Disneyland, I carried my large manila folio with my drawings ‘“JUST IN CASE!” to be sure I could show Mr. Disney. I was standing in line at the Submarine Ride. I was focused on something when, at the same time, a lot of people were turned in my general direction. I had no idea my HERO was there. I later found out, Walt HIMSELF was behind me!

Today I bring with me a unique and revolutionary process that I know fellow visionary Walt Disney himself would be proud to embrace.

**I want to thank you kindly for taking the time to look at what I have created and invented to date and hope the experience has enriched you.

George F. Engel

Brief Bio: Beto Araiza

It is my privilege and honor to have known and worked with George for 20-some years. During that time I’ve assisted in various ways, in development of his technologies and methodologies, as well as promoting and assisting with many ‘non-creative’ aspects of his work.

My background was primarily in the world of the performing arts. I’ve worked in all aspects of theater from Artistic Director, Technical Design, Producer, Director, Published playwright, Touring Manager, Actor, Teacher, etc., etc. My own unique approach and history with performance put me in a position to constantly have to think ‘outside the box’; outside the traditional norms and accepted standards of performance. In this sense George and I share the same perspective towards the creative process ~ we are always in search of finding a new and valuable solution that works, as opposed to adhering to outdated methodologies and familiar paradigms.

Throughout this time I’ve watched George continually expand his technologies into different areas achieving what is still considered today (by antiquated traditionalists) as “impossible!” He not only created ‘the impossible’ but has done so with unprecedented stunning results!

I’ve no doubt that once you review the work presented you’ll also come to agree – “the opportunities before you are now nearly limitless.”

Beto Araiza

PS: I refer to Beto as ‘My Boswell’. If not for his being there for me in every way along with Mom in countless ways, my concepts and inventions would never have had the time to develop and germinate lo these many years. I am forever indebted to them both.

Sincerely, George


Brief Bio: Emily J. Engel née Presti ~~ Mom AKA Mommy AKA Ma

There’s an old expression… “Choose your parents!” If anyone ever did, iiiiii sure did before I was even conceived. I spoke about Dad above. I’d like to add that being His son involved in His many hands-on projects no doubt sowed the seeds for me to want to be an artist.

As far as Mom is concerned SHEESH… WHAT a powerhouse personality! For a stranger to chat with Her at the checkout counter was to never forget Her. She just had THAT kind of persona. As She was chatting, She would inevitably go into Her pocketbook and pull out a portfolio of my work and show them my sculptures while bragging about me. Luckily, I was never there when it happened. lol

Mom managed to get into the Army underage. Her genius IQ got Her stationed at the Pentagon. She had higher security clearance than most Generals — Mom’s was a ‘Q’ and FDR’s was a ‘Z.’ She was EXTREMELY proud of Her Service during the War and being Sicilian (and NEVER let you forget either! lol) After the War, She became a 'working mother’. I only found out from my sister at Mom’s funeral in 2015 that the neighborhood women wouldn’t have anything to do with Her because of it. She never once mentioned it to me.

Mom most certainly was THE MOST important person in my life. We belonged to the Mutual Admiration Society. She was my best friend, biggest fan and ‘supporter’ in more ways than I will notate here. Without Her, this all would never have happened. My greatest sadness (AND Her’s) is that 89 years wasn’t long enough for Her to see our mutual dream come to fruition. LOVE YA MOM!! <3

George F. Engel


I want to give a special mention about Terry Rosborough. He’s the Ceramic Engineer who wrote the Letter of Recommendation you can read on our Testimonials & Comments page.

Terry is the quintessential example of “mid-west nice.” He’s been invaluable to me. Whenever I have a technical or practical ceramic question, he is always there to explain the whats and whyfors.

All my thanks, Terry!
