Jasperware Porcelain Lace™

Once I invented a method to form a rubber mold over fabric, capturing all its fine detail, I needed to find something I could use to mold. The cost of hiring sculptors would have been prohibitive not to mention premature when I was only at the point of exploring techniques. I had an epiphany one day to use antique lace as an ideal design source for some Jasperware products. It has great allure, mystique, charm and historic significance ~ especially to women “the buying public.” The designs are gorgeous, workwomenship remarkable ~ and enticing to me as it is copyright free. Antique lace showcases fine undercutting as well as being able to eternalize an extremely ephemeral medium.

I have to add here that my technology is so successful, you can see that the very fuzz of the lace has transmuted into the casts themselves!

George F. Engel

PLEASE NOTE: All lace shown on our site is part of our collection along with bags full of superb quality lace awaiting Jasperware casting.