I have long admired the great Wedgwood Jasperware creations of the 18th and 19th Century. They set me on my path to develop unique new ways to produce Jasperware castings that have their own fresh look, independent from Wedgwood’s well-respected Classical designs.

I’ve posted two rows below ~ the top row are examples of their earlier masterpieces. The lower row is of their current “Prestige-ware” line.

George F. Engel

For Wedgwood to replicate my Serenity Medallion they would have to 'lay-on' every white object by hand taking many hours; a task likely avoided today due to difficulty/time/cost factors. I cast my Serenity and Princess Diana roundels in approximately forty minutes. The teaching/learning curve for a worker trained to cast in Jasperware porcelain is easy. Low to moderate skill level is all that is needed. I have to add here that I have had very limited experience glazing THE SPIDER’S LAIR and I find casting Jasperware 1000x easier!

Immediately below are my designs of some ‘FROZEN’ Roundels showing what spectacularly complex, beautiful objects can be created.

George F. Engel