Porcelain Cloisonné™


In my many endeavors to expand the versatility of my technologies, I set about and succeeded in developing a technology for conjoining glass to porcelain ~ heretofore not possible due to the differing expansion rates of each material when heated and then cooled in a kiln (as explained in more detail on our Porcelain Plique-à-Jour™ page). I developed a special method that permits the facets of the crushed glass frit to remain crystal-like and faceted once the pieces are kiln-fired. Normally the glass would soften and the frit’s facets would then become rounded. But with the use of my methodology, the facets remain intact creating a beautiful glistening effect like sparkling jewels. Like my PORCELAIN PLIQUE-À-JOUR™ they can only be truly appreciated by seeing them in person.

George F. Engel